Journal and conference announcements bombarding my email addresses: what’s an author to do?

When open access journals first came onto the scene, I was really worried about the various ways they would change the journal publication landscape and practice. More importantly than anything else, I felt it was unfair and inequitable to charge authors to have their papers published so that I, as a reader, could get access to them free. On the other hand, I have grown to like the idea a great deal, in that I began to feel entitled to access to articles and annoyed when I couldn’t get them. And there are some journals, I have no idea how many, that waive the open access fee for a certain number of global south authors so as not to exclude them from publishing. But I remain concerned that this will only be available to a few and that all the work that was done to open the door to publication to them will be undone as more seek a waiver.

To address the threat to equity of access for global south and individual authors, the compromise we negotiated with Elsevier for RHM when I was still the editor was a decent one – articles were behind a subscription paywall for one year, and then became open access. The journal paid for publication and for subscriptions for its global south readers, who were the great majority of readers, while authors did not have to pay. This meant both that authors who could not afford the open access fees would not be discriminated against nor would they lose the opportunity to publish, while readers too got access, including those who could not or would not pay the subscription, even if it took a year. But this was an unusual deal and as far as I know, it has not been much replicated.

What I did not expect, but what has taken place to an alarming extent, is that open access has become big business. Apparently bogus journals are seeking to fleece unsuspecting authors of their money by offering to publish their work. If what comes into my inbox and my spam box is any indication, such journals have been launched by the cartload. I am being bombarded on an almost daily basis with requests to publish with one journal or another by submitting a paper. Some of these emails are addressed to me personally and mention a paper I have published previously as the source of their knowledge of me. Others are generic. Still others invite me to review a paper or attend a conference or to serve on a committee for a conference, and some try to sell me scientific equipment of one kind or another. I presume my address is being shared widely to make this happen. Apart from titles that have something to do with women’s sexual and reproductive health, or more commonly obstetrics & gynaecology, the rest, while mostly in the health and medical field, are totally inappropriate for me, as their subject is one I know nothing about. What I find most shocking, however, is that some of them are written in absolutely appalling English. Who they think they are kidding, I don’t know.

In September 2016, I began to collect these emails in a folder, planning to write a blog about them as a scam. I never got around to it until now, so they have piled up since then. They are in my inbox at both my email addresses and in the junk mailbox of both my email addresses. There are hundreds of them. I decided to list them here to show how absurd this has become, or should I say appalling. Many have written more than once, and some, when I do not reply, write again and push me to respond.

Here are several examples:

  1. Dear Dr. Marge Berer,

How are you? I hope you are healthy and happy. The Merry Christmas Grand Celebration is very keen, for the rewarding start of this special event, I need one praiseworthy manuscript. I realize that best fit manuscript is your transcript only. Hence, I feel honored to invite you for your manuscript submission and I am confident that my expectations on your works will help me to rejoice this event.


I hope to cheer this occasion with your legendary article.  Await your reply.

Best Regards, B…G… Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health (JGWH) 14/12/16

2. Distinguished Dr. Marge Berer,

I recently came across your work titled “The history and role of the criminal law in anti-FGM campaigns: Is the criminal law what is needed, at least in countries like Great Britain?”. As far as I understood, it has been written at the -. Following this, the editorial team of Omniscriptum Publishing Group reaches out to you with a free of charge publishing offer.  Briefly speaking, we invite you to publish this work as an independent printed book which will be listed by major libraries and online bookstores. Could you please let us know your thoughts regarding this opportunity? If you would like we can discuss the next steps. I would be happy to answer any questions. 3.

3. …It would be appreciated, if you submit on or before 26thMarch, 2017. If you submit, we will process and publish within 21 days followed by rapid peer review process…

4. Dear Colleague,

Happy International Women’s Day. It’s always been a pleasure and privilege to work with so many female researchers. On the occasion of Women’s Day, Clinical Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine (COGRM) is providing special concession on the publication fee until 24th March, 2017. Articles submitted before the mentioned date will be published (if accepted after peer-review process) with processing fee of USD 300 instead of USD 890. COGRM follows rapid peer review from the experts throughout the world, which helps us to publish an article within 7-10 days of submission.


Here is a list of all the supposed journals and conferences I have heard from so far (with the number of times an email has been received, e.g. x 4):

Reproductive Immunology x 4

SM Tropical Medicine Journal

SM Journal of Community Medicine

Annals of Community Medicine and Practice

GNWH Nursinghealthcare

Journal of Neonatal Biology

Austin Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology x 2

Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics x 2

Global Journal of Medical Research

NWH Nursinghealthcare

Trauma and Emergency Care

SM Group

Journal of Forensic Psychology

Global Women’s Health x 2

HSOA Journal of Reproductive Medicine, Gynaecology & Obstetrics

Pediatric Nursing

Dermatology 2017

General Practice 2016

Journal of Family Medicine

Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy

Andrology & Gynecology: Current Research

Sexual Medicine: Annals of Clinical Case Reports

2016 5th EEM International Conference on Hospitality, Leisure, Sport, Tourism & Education

Family Nursing 2017

Breast Cancer 2017

Journal of Gynecology & Neonatal Biology

Science can be Beautiful

Journal of Nursing & Women’s Healthcare

Protein Lab

Reproductive Immunology: Open Access x 3


Hospital Management 2016


Journal of Women’s Health, Issues and Care x 2

Journal of Community and Public Health Nursing x 2

Mental Health 2017 x 2

Nursing Education 2017

Apps Store Now India Development Company

Journal of Modern Physics

Pharmacy Express

Family Practice Special Issue

WordPress Magento

Mathews Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics x 2

Applied Psychology 2017

Call for Participation to the 2nd International Conference on Medicine and Natural Sciences, Albania

5th International Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Translational Reproductive Biology And Clinical Reproductive Endocrinology

Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health

International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine

Journal of Environmental Protection x 2

Forensic Science and Criminology x 2

Journal of Pregnancy and Child Health x 3

Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health x 5

EC Gynaecology Journal x 2

Journal of Sexual and Reproductive Medicine

Journal of Reproduction and Infertility

Functional Food Centre (repeatedly)

Health x 2

Special Issue: “Current Research on Safety and Environment”/ The selected papers will be submitted to the Elsevier: “Journal of Chemical Health and Safety” x 6

Journal of Pregnancy & Child Health x 2

Acta Psychopathologica x 2

Journal of Fertilization: In Vitro

Obstetrics & Gynecology International Journal x 3

Gynecology and Womens Health Research x 3

Midwifery Congress 2017 x 2

Pregnancy & Child Health

Journal of Traumatic Stress Disorders & Treatment x 3

Diana – ProteoGenix

Reproductive Medicine 2017 x 4

Public Health 2017

Internal Medicine Review

Gynecology and Obstetrics Research – Open Journal x 2

Trauma and Critical Care 2017

Open Access Journal of Urology & Nephrology (OAJUN)

25th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility (COGI)

International Conference on Obesity and Diabetes

Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders International Journal

The 4th International Congress of Forensics & Police Tech Expo-2017

Journal of Women’s Healthcare and Wellness

Women’s Health & Gynecology

Women’s Health Bulletin

Primary Healthcare

Women’s Health – Open Journal

Global Biotechnology Congress 2017

Austin Public Health

JSM Sexual Medicine

EC Gynaecology x 3

Global Conference on Nursing and Healthcare

Annals of Clinical Case Reports

Scientia Ricerca

SOJ Gynecology, Obstetrics & Women’s Health

Thinkers Hub Conferences

Journal of Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility x 3

Surgical Nursing

Peer Reviewed Academia Sciences


The Scientific Pages of Anthropology

Nursing Conference

Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy

Journal of Drug Abuse

Pregnancy & Child Health Journal x 2

Forensic Science-2017 x 3

Sociology and Anthropology

World Nursing and Healthcare conference

Clinical Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine

Reproductive Immunology: Open Access

Innovate Nursing 2017

Journal of Women’s Health and Gynecology x 6

Journal of Community and Public Health Nursing

Plastic Surgery: Clinics in Surgery

Journal of AIDS & Clinical Research x 2

Drug Discovery & Therapy World Congress 2017

Nursing 2017

Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy

Juniper Online Journal of Public Health

Journal of Forensic Toxicology & Pharmacology

Sanaz – ProteoGenix

Protein Profiling

NEW Cyagen and Vectorbuilder Newsletter x 2

Reproductive Medicine_Com

HIV Scientific meeting

Agriculture & Food, 5th International Conference 2017 x 2

Reproductive System & Sexual Disorders International Journal x 4

Journal of General Practice

Breast Pathology 2017 x 2

Women’s Health (Sage) x 3

Journal of Nursing

World Conference on Science, Technology & Medicine x 2

Surgical Nursing 2017

Nurse Practitioner 2017

Stockholm Nursing Conference

Healthcare Asiapacific 2017

Open Access Journal of Urology & Nephrology x 2

Maternity Complications and Women’s Health Journal x 3

Archives of Medicine x 2

Journal of Family Medicine & Community Health x 2

Embryology 2017

Annals of Men’s Health and Wellness x 2

Journal of Women’s Health Care

Andrology and Gynecology Reports


Andrology-Open Access

Pharma-2017 x 2

Dr. Sanchita Roy (

Dr. Sarmila Das (

AIDS Clinical Research & STDs

Journal of Forensic Psychology x 2

Annual Summit on Sexual & Reproductive Health, Oncology & Medicine x 2

Dr. Kateryna Bielka, M.D. x 2

Acta Psychopathologica

International Journal of Surgery Research and Practice

Journal of Psychology and Brain Studies

Social Sciences 2017


Forensic Research 2017

Family Medicine 2017 x 2

Journal of Psychiatry

Obesity Summit

Ms Aloka Jana (

Journal of Medical Implants and Surgery

Journal of Research and Development

Neonatal Nursing 2017

Journal of Forensic Research

International Conference on Women’s Health, Gynecology & Obstetrics x 2

Midwifery Congress

Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Scienc

Women’s Health Research

Lipids 2017

Sexual and Reproductive Health 2017

Euro Primary Care 2017 x 2

Journal of Gynecology and Women’s Health

Generic-Biosimilars 2017

Austin Journal of Civil & Legal Sciences

Avid Science

Medical & Clinical Reviews

Euro Midwifery-2017 x 3

Journal of Surgery

Public Health Congress

Forensic Congress 2017

Journal of Endocrinology and Diabetes

Insights in Reproductive Medicine

Gynecology 2017

Journal of Sexual & Reproductive Medicine

Journal IJCAR

InTechOpen invites you to write a chapter for a new Open Access book project “Family Planning,” edited by Dr. Zouhair O. Amarin.

Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Science

GB HealthWatch

Journal of Genital System & Disorders

Clinical Practice (Therapy)

Advances in Journalism and Communication

Journal of Family Medicine and Disease Prevention

Oral Presentations for Scientists


Whew!!! I have no idea what to do about this, but it feels like a permanent invasion of my territory and a form of e-trash being dumped on me. I have no idea who to complain to, nor how to stop them coming but will share this blog with the European Association of Science Editors to see if they have some advice or want to let others know this is happening.


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