On 1 March, the Global Congenital Syphilis Partnership held a press conference to announce the launch of a global campaign to eradicate congenital syphilis, motivated by evidence from a seven-country pilot study that used a rapid blood test for screening.…
In defence of abortion on a woman’s request, including on grounds of fetal sex
Published on the British Medical Journal Guest Blog, 24th February 2012 Ach, what a furore. The Daily Telegraph is in its element and having a ball printing nasty allegations about doctors doing abortions illegally on grounds of sex selection. Let’s…
Hormonal contraception and risk of HIV: new studies, the issues, and the response of the World Health Organization
Many feminists, including me, actively opposed the hormonal injectable contraceptive Depo Provera (DMPA) three decades ago ̶ it was at a time when certain women weren’t being given a choice of method or any information about possible side effects, and…
Jingle pills indeed
This post first appeared on the BMJ Group Blog, 12th December 2011 Many years ago now, when news of female sterilisation first came out, Catholic priests in Puerto Rico and other Catholic countries preached from their pulpits against women being…
The cover that got covered
Guest blog by RHM digital editor Cassie Werber In May 2010, Reproductive Health Matters published a journal on the theme of Cosmetic surgery, body image and sexuality. Marge Berer, editor of the journal, proposed a cover featuring an artwork which…
World’s 7 billionth baby causes journalistic storm
Last week, an opinion piece in the New York Times in response to the birth of the world’s seven billionth baby put forward family planning as the solution to the problem of the still rapidly rising population of the world.…
Independent abortion counselling? Whose problem?
Published on the BMJ guest blog, 1st September 2011 Nadine Dorries MP is a very skillful politician. She decides there is a problem, for which she has absolutely no evidence. She not only manages to get her problem onto the…
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