Category: Health services
An unholy alliance: religion, neo-liberal economics and good old fashioned patriarchy – restricting women’s abortion rights in Eastern Europe
A report from guest blogger Charlotte Gage on ‘How much does abortion cost?’ a session organised by ASTRA Central and Eastern European Women’s Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights at the AWID Forum in Istanbul. I attended this session where speakers from Poland, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia outlined the economic dimension of sexual…
Is eradication of congenital syphilis feasible?
On 1 March, the Global Congenital Syphilis Partnership held a press conference to announce the launch of a global campaign to eradicate congenital syphilis, motivated by evidence from a seven-country pilot study that used a rapid blood test for screening. The aim of the studies was to test pregnant women for syphilis, treat any who…
Jingle pills indeed
This post first appeared on the BMJ Group Blog, 12th December 2011 Many years ago now, when news of female sterilisation first came out, Catholic priests in Puerto Rico and other Catholic countries preached from their pulpits against women being sterilised. As a result many more women learned that sterilisation existed, and many went out…
Privatising the NHS can bring down a government
LETTER TO MPs, SENT 28th MAY 2011 – INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ACTION FOR WOMEN’S HEALTH I am writing to urge you to call on the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Health to withdraw the NHS Bill, as recommended by the British Medical Association and many others with expertise in health care and…
Privatisation: changing the ethos of health care delivery
RHM is about promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights globally, but sometimes it’s important to focus on what’s happening at home. First, though, I need to acknowledge the heartbreaking devastation in Japan and say that this shouldn’t be seen as an isolated natural disaster. It (and the floods in Australia and the tsunami in…