Author: margeberer
Why is abortion – and particularly repeat abortion – still perceived as a problem?
A study of repeat teenage pregnancies in women under 20 years old presenting for an abortion in England and Wales from 1991-2007 found that the number of women with recorded previous pregnancies had risen steadily from 1991 to 2007, both in absolute numbers and in proportion. The proportion of those who had a repeat abortion…
“Human beings have only a 50-50 chance of surviving to the end of the 21st century”
On 25-26 May, I attended a conference in London, organised by University College London Centre for Global Health, called Population Footprints, on sustainability. The prediction that we humans have only a 50–50 chance of surviving to the end of the 21st century serves to focus the mind wonderfully. It is based on the seriousness of…
Privatising the NHS can bring down a government
LETTER TO MPs, SENT 28th MAY 2011 – INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ACTION FOR WOMEN’S HEALTH I am writing to urge you to call on the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Health to withdraw the NHS Bill, as recommended by the British Medical Association and many others with expertise in health care and…
International Women’s Day: what happened
I want to acknowledge the many demonstrations that took place on International Women’s Day last week around the world, which were reported after my last blog. That includes: i) a brave women’s demonstration in Côte d’Ivoire commemorating the killing of seven people the week before by voted-down president Gbagbo’s troops. Those seven were themselves marching…
Privatisation: changing the ethos of health care delivery
RHM is about promoting sexual and reproductive health and rights globally, but sometimes it’s important to focus on what’s happening at home. First, though, I need to acknowledge the heartbreaking devastation in Japan and say that this shouldn’t be seen as an isolated natural disaster. It (and the floods in Australia and the tsunami in…
International Women’s Day
Today is the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day! Congratulations to all the women of the world – for their activism, their strength, their persistence, and for surviving to live another day. We women have a lot to celebrate. If we look at the condition of women 100 years ago, we could say we’ve never…
Medical abortion in Britain and Ireland: let’s join the 21st century!
Medical abortion – popularly known as the abortion pill – has been in the news almost non-stop for several months now in both Britain and Ireland, though for very different reasons. That’s good news because more women are getting to hear about it. Although the method has been around since the late 1980s, most women…
Can we ever say a woman can’t choose?: a response to Frances Kissling
Can we ever say a woman can’t choose? It’s hard for pro-choicers to admit sometimes a woman shouldn’t be allowed to choose abortion – but we have to by Frances Kissling Salon, 21 June 2009. This article, which I’ve only recently discovered, was posted on the Salon website last year. Salon long ago closed the…