Author: margeberer
Transformative writing: from practice to publication to advocacy and action
Marge Berer, RHM Editor, presentation to the 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, Manila, January 2014 [slideshare id=30758062&sc=no] If you click on the forward arrow after the final slide it will take you to Slideshare pages which are not part of the powerpoint presentation. Please ignore these.
Abortion in the criminal law – presentation to #7APCRSHR
Marge Berer, RHM Editor, presentation to the 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, Manila, January 2014 [slideshare id=30262283&style=border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px&sc=no] Abortion in the criminal law: exposing the role of health professionals, the police, the courts and imprisonment internationally Brazilians have different views on when abortion should be legal, but…
Empowerment: What is it? Who needs it?
Marge Berer Brussels, 24 October, 2013 Marge’s speech to an interdisciplinary workshop – empowerment: do we speak the same language? Organised by the Belgian Platform on Population and Development within the Health Working Group on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Thanks for inviting me to speak not just once but twice today! Mylène has provided…
Framework Convention on Global Health (FCGH) – a blog in response to the May 18 Geneva meeting minutes
A blog by Marge Berer, Editor Reproductive Health Matters. Originally posted on the blog of JALI – the Joint Action and Learning Initiative on National and Global Responsibilities for Health I asked JALI if I could write a blog after I had read the minutes of the May 18 meeting in Geneva on the way forward for…
Re-envisioning ‘family planning’ in the 21st Century and changing the language
marge berer, rhm editor, keynote speech to the european society of contraception conference in copenhagen may 2013 [slideshare id=22497037&doc=bererkeynotespeechcopenhagen23may2013-130605102022-phpapp01] [please ignore the slideshare advert on the final slide and press x to return to the slideshow] Download the whole slideshow here:Re-envisioning ‘family planning’ in the 21st Century and changing the language
It’s time to strip Catholic hospitals of their right to provide maternity care
Marge Berer, Editor, Reproductive Health Matters The announcement regarding the decision to allow Beatriz in El Salvador to have a “premature delivery” requires a continuing response from the abortion rights community. The article states: “The medical team at the Maternity Hospital is ready to act immediately at the slightest sign of danger.” In fact, the opposite is…
Depo Provera and the news that broke earlier this year from Israel
Marge Berer, Editor, Reproductive Health Matters The news that broke earlier this year from Israel, that Ethiopian Jewish women had been given the injectable contraceptive Depo Provera without their knowledge or consent, awakened a strong feeling of déjà vu for me. This is where I came into this field, 35 years ago. Depo Provera had…
Headlines! The Pope is the first to step down in 600 years
Marge Berer, Editor, Reproductive Health Matters We all have to decide when it’s time to step down as we age, and now we can say “even the Pope”. I’m a few decades younger than him but I can already see that decision waiting in my future too. Maybe he is too frail in mind and…
Termination of pregnancy as emergency obstetric care: the interpretation of Catholic health policy and the consequences for pregnant women. An analysis of the death of Savita Halappanavar in Ireland and similar cases
Marge Berer, Editor, Reproductive Health Matters Below is a summary of the article in full Termination of pregnancy as emergency obstetric care On 28 October 2012, Savita Halappanavar miscarried at 17 weeks of pregnancy and died in the maternity ward of a hospital in Ireland. Twelve weeks later, articles and blogs about her death continue to…
FGM: condemn globally, act locally
Lisa Hallgarten, Reproductive Health Matters We should all celebrate the news that on Thursday 20th December 2012, the United Nation’s General Assembly unanimously passed a resolution banning the practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Resolutions to eliminate FGM are important. When they are passed in a global forum, they may pre-empt the claims of cultural…